Evil Unveiled

In the first of a series of undercover videos released last month by the Center for Medical Progress, Planned Parenthood’s Senior Medical Director Deborah Nucatola talks with people posing as representatives of a fetal tissue procurement company as she eats lunch. Between sips of wine and bites of salad, Dr. Nucatola says, “…most providers will do this under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps…we’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not going to crush that part, I’m going to basically crush below, I’m going to crush above, and I’m going to see if I can get it all intact.”
In another video released last week, Melissa Farrell, Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, states, “We are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers. It’s all just a matter of line items.”

In yet another clip, a Planned Parenthood doctor and a technician look into a glass dish containing “tissue samples.” They poke around in the dish with tweezers as the camera focuses in to reveal a tiny leg and other body parts, listing aloud the parts they observe: kidney, heart, liver. Finally, turning the joy of birth upside down, someone exclaims, “Another boy!”
And my local newspaper has little to say about it, beyond an editorial or two buried in the back pages. Nothing has appeared on the front page that could be construed as critical of Planned Parenthood. The mainstream news media is virtually silent. Language is carefully guarded to mask the reality of this gruesome end result of legalized abortion. Legal action is initiated against the Center for Medical Progress instead of the purveyors of this horror, Planned Parenthood. The President proclaims God’s blessing for Planned Parenthood. Perhaps more shockingly, the churches are strangely silent as well. Even the pastor at my church fails to condemn – or even mention - the barbaric practices that are being unveiled almost daily. What has happened to our society, when even this plain and horrifically detailed evidence of the barbarism of abortion is ignored or glossed over?
I put down my coffee and push aside my breakfast, sick to my stomach, and pick up my pen.
We are staring evil in the face, and we must not flinch. We will all stand before God and have to answer for what we knew, and what we did to stop this horrific reality. Reporters, politicians, doctors, mothers, fathers: every one of us will be called to account. Children are being slaughtered and sold for parts. Women are being exploited and used to increase Planned Parenthood's "revenue stream." This is happening on our watch, in our country. It must end.

Join us as we pray, fast, witness, and provide a voice to the voiceless, the helpless unborn child. 
40 Days for Life Fall campaign begins Sept. 23, 2015.
