Thirsting for Living Water

Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink." ~ Jn 4:7
God loves us so much that He came to us as a human being, subject to the same pain and difficulties we all face, including hunger and thirst, sorrow and loneliness. This is beautifully illustrated in today’s Gospel story of the woman at the well. This woman has everything stacked against her. As a woman, she is regarded as unworthy of notice by men. She is a Samaritan, a race rejected by the Jews. She comes alone to the well at noon, although most women would have gathered in the cool morning to draw water. Yet Jesus - God himself - comes to her, lonely, tired, dusty, and thirsty, asking for water. At first, she doesn’t understand why He is asking her. We never do understand how much God thirsts for our friendship, our help, and our love. If only we knew, we would ask Him for Living Water and all our own lonely, tired, dusty, thirsty days would be washed clean and renewed. 

Jesus knows all about her broken relationships with five husbands. This woman has spent most of her life seeking love in all the wrong places, yet Jesus chooses to offer her the Living Water of eternal life. Jesus reveals that He is the Messiah and that she, lonely and rejected, is invited to be part of the Divine Plan. She believes Him, and rushes to bring the good news to her people, no longer fearful of condemnation, but boldly declaring that she has met the Christ. By her witness, the villagers come to believe that Jesus is the Savior of the World.

God has a plan and purpose for each of us. He knows your deepest secrets and biggest mistakes and loves you still. He will fill up your loneliness and invite you to discover what true love is. What can you do to comfort God, who suffered thirst, loneliness, and death for you? He is asking for your help and He longs for your love. Listen for His voice and do not fear: Jesus is calling you. Will you take His message to your world?

