Listening for the Voice of God

“If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” Ps. 95:7-8

Today’s readings begin with the Lord’s promise to Israel that He will speak to them through appointed prophets, because the awesome presence of God left them trembling in fear. God will raise up men like themselves as prophets to speak His word to them. These prophets are given God’s authority and will bear a fearsome responsibility to proclaim only what God commands. If this authority is abused or falsely claimed, the prophet will face God’s wrath. Tremendous responsibility rests with the one given such great authority. But God warns the people that they also bear responsibility to listen to the prophets, saying, “Whoever will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it” (Dt. 18:19).

In the Gospel reading, we hear about Jesus speaking in a new and authoritative way, which astonishes all those who hear Him. Even the demons know and fear Him, for Jesus has come as God made man, to cast out all evil. This is a new teaching with authority, and even the unclean spirits obey Him.

We, as Christians, are given an even greater source of authority than the prophets, and so we bear an even greater responsibility. In times past, “God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets,” but in these last days, God has spoken to us through Jesus Christ, His Son (cf Hebrews 1:1-2).  

Jesus, in turn, bestowed the great gift of His teaching authority on His Church, and His own voice is heard in Sacred Scripture. By faithfully listening to these sources of authority, we hear the voice and commandments of God. Through the teaching of the Magisterium, the touch of God in the Sacraments, the Word of God in Scripture, and our faithful response in prayer, study, and discernment, we are guided by the loving God who gave His only Son to save us.

 Let us not neglect to fulfill our part: to come into the presence of God with hearts open to love and ears open to listen to the voice of God, calling to you, His Beloved.
