Now I Know What Love Is

Photo credit Danielle McInnes
When I was a teen, I was longing to be loved. The desire for love exists in every person, because true love exists in God. But I didn't look to God to fill my emptiness, to heal my loneliness. Because I didn’t really know what love was, I fell for the counterfeit, and ended up being used, exploited, abused, and deceived. I wanted to be responsible, and fell for the lie that responsibility in love meant using birth control, and if that failed, making the “responsible” choice to have an abortion. And so I lost my chance to love my first two children.

It wasn’t until I married and had children that I began to learn what true love is. The joy I felt in becoming a mother was shadowed by the regret and grief I felt about my past. The innocent love of my children, completely undeserved, was a pure gift from heaven, and it brought me face to face with the awful truth about abortion. As God gradually opened my eyes to see the truth, He also revealed the gift of His eternal love for me, and brought me healing, mercy, and forgiveness.

Now I know what love is. Love died on the cross for me. Love gives all for the good of the Beloved. Love is a child, depending entirely on you. Love is a husband who works long shifts day after day to provide for his family. Love is sacrifice and sometimes love is pain. Love is commitment and caring, even in the hard times.

Never be afraid to wait for true love. Your spirit is strong enough to reject the counterfeit and await God’s plan for your future. Be courageous, be strong. Strong enough to love.

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I believe in love

