In the Presence of the Risen Lord

“Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread…
He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” Lk 24:35, 45

The world was created anew on Easter Sunday, when Jesus rose from the dead. In the Easter season, we hear various Gospel accounts of His appearances to His disciples and many others. These many different encounters have much in common.

Jesus is somehow different in His glorified and resurrected body. Many of His friends do not recognize Him immediately, or fear that they are seeing a ghost. By eating and drinking with them, and allowing them to see and touch His wounds, Jesus confirms that this is no spiritual apparition but that He has truly risen from the dead. Yet He knows that questions arise in their hearts.

There are two things that open the eyes of the disciples to recognize Jesus and believe. One is the “breaking of the bread” – the Eucharist. The other is by deepening their understanding of scripture. Jesus begins to open their minds to understand scripture, explaining all that had been predicted about Him “in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms…” These explanations were all drawn from the Old Testament, because the New Testament had not yet been written. Yet the Good News about Jesus was hidden in scripture already, waiting to be revealed.

The best ways for us to come to know Jesus are still the same: by receiving His Body and Blood in the Eucharist, and hearing His Word in scripture. Let us thank God for His gift of the Catholic Church to guide Christians through the centuries. It was the Church that canonized the books of the Bible, carefully discerning the authentic teachings of Christ. It was the Church that preserved the letters and stories of the Apostles and the Gospel accounts of the life of Christ. It was the Church that handed down the true teaching about the Eucharist, so that even now we have these treasures to draw us close to God.

This Easter Season, spend some time in the presence of the Risen Lord. Sit by the tabernacle, open the Bible, and ask Jesus to open your heart and mind to understand His Word. He will bring you peace.


