Come, O Holy Spirit, Come!

“Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.”

The Apostles spent nine days after the Ascension gathered in secrecy in the upper room, praying for the Holy Spirit – the first novena. Scripture tells us that Mary, the Mother of Jesus was among them (cf Acts 1:14). The Holy Spirit had descended upon Mary long before when the Creator of heaven and earth chose this humble virgin to be the Mother of God. Now, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, Son of God and Son of Mary, the Holy Spirit descends on His disciples, and the Church is born. Filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles now have the courage to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News. 

If we pray with Our Lady, as the Apostles once did, she will draw us closer to her Divine Son. Love for Mary never takes away from our devotion to Jesus, because there is no competition between Jesus and His Mother. If we seek Jesus with all our hearts, He often leads us to His Mother, who will teach us how best to love and serve Him. The gift of Mary as our spiritual Mother, given to us from the cross, is precious and beautiful.

Our Lady’s special prayer, the rosary, is a beautiful contemplation of the lives of Jesus and Mary through which we can receive great graces, insights, wisdom, and healing. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are poured out in abundance through this simple and powerful prayer.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker’s book “Praying the Rosary for Inner Healing” includes this meditation on the Descent of the Holy Spirit:
“Can you put yourself in that room… with the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin? …watch and wait for a new infilling of the Holy Spirit…if you ask… it will be given to you… have the courage to ask for this gift."
"The Blessed Virgin… has a special link with the Holy Spirit by virtue of her direct link with Jesus Christ… Ask her to pray for your infilling of the Holy Spirit – and be prepared for a healing power that will penetrate to the very depths of your body, mind, and spirit.”
