Seeing Through God's Eyes

Picture credit: Upon This Rock Ministries via Pinterest

"I am the Bread of Life” Jn. 6:35

Sometimes our perceptions can be so very far off. We grumble against God, believing He has not heard our prayers, not seeing how very near He is to us, present in our suffering, using everything we endure to bring us closer to Him.

In the readings today, we hear how the Israelites grumbled against God, wishing they had never left slavery - at least they were well fed in Egypt! When the Lord sends manna – bread from heaven – and quail to feed them, they are confused, failing to understand that God is providing for them, until Moses explains again, “This is the bread the Lord has given you to eat.”

In the Gospel reading, the crowds following Jesus have also confused the “food that perishes” with the “food that endures for eternal life.” After the miracle of the loaves, they are expecting manna like their ancestors ate, not understanding that Jesus Himself is the Bread of Life. Their minds are so set on their desire for food that they fail to see that God is trying to give them so much more than that.

In his letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul teaches his listeners how they can avoid these kinds of misperceptions – they must “be renewed in the spirit of the mind,” putting aside the old self, which is “corrupted through deceitful desires,” and become that “new self, created in God’s way.”  This complete renewal of the spirit and mind allows us to see clearly what God is doing in our lives and in our world.

Be prepared to see things anew, through God’s eyes. When we allow the light of God’s Truth to renew us in mind and spirit, our perception clears, and our lives are made new in Christ.  We can then begin to appreciate the true food that God provides for us in the Word and the Bread of Life, and to accept the crosses and trials that God sends us without losing faith.

