"Take courage; get up, Jesus is calling you." Mk. 10:49
The Gospel story
today is full of hope and possibility. Bartimaeus, a blind man, calls out to
Jesus for help, saying, “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me.” He continues
begging Jesus for mercy despite being discouraged by many in the large crowd
that surrounds Jesus. In the midst of all the commotion, Jesus hears this small
voice, this one persistent plea, and He turns and calls Bartimaeus to come to
Him. Then Jesus, the all-knowing Lord, asks the blind man, “What do you want me
to do for you?” Jesus gives this man the chance to put his deepest desires into
words. Bartimaeus wants to see, and he believes that Jesus has the power to
grant even this impossible request. Jesus responds by restoring his sight,
saying as He often does, “Your faith has saved you.”
Jesus knows what you need even before you ask, yet He wants
you to entrust your needs to Him in a very direct way, in a prayer of faith.
Take a few moments sometime this week, and read that line in the Gospel over
again, slowly. Jesus is calling to you; listen for His voice. Take courage, get
up and go to Him. Envision yourself standing before Jesus and let His question
resonate in your heart: “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus is speaking
those very words to you. He is giving you the chance to pour out your heart to
Him and to ask for whatever you need. What do you want Jesus to do for you?
Jesus wants you to tell him your heart’s desire and to trust
in His infinite power to grant it to you. Will you ask for love, for peace, for
security, for good health? Do you believe Jesus has the power to give you what
you ask? Trust Him with all your needs and desires, have faith in His power,
and be prepared to completely surrender to the will of God. You are precious to
God, He hears your prayers, and He will answer you. Have faith, take courage,
all things are possible for God!
Happy Feast Day of St. Jude, the Apostle!
Patron Saint of Impossible Causes - because nothing is impossible for God.
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