"Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Mk
The Book of Wisdom is attributed to King Solomon, David’s
son and the great king who built the temple in Jerusalem. When Solomon ascended
to the throne, the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: “Whatever you ask
I shall give you.” Because the young king humbly asked for wisdom rather than
for riches or power, the Lord was pleased with his request, and not only
granted his request for wisdom, but also gave him wealth and glory (cf I Kings 3:5-14).
In today’s first reading, Solomon praises the gift of wisdom,
saying, “I prayed… and the spirit of wisdom came to me. I preferred her to
scepter and throne, and deemed riches nothing in comparison with her… Yet all
good things together came to me… countless riches at her hands.” For many years
Solomon ruled over God’s people with great wisdom and insight, using his great
wealth for the glory of God and the good of his people.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks another promising young man to
give up all his riches and to come and follow Him. This young man has good intentions,
but finding it difficult to give up his great earthly wealth, he walks sadly
away from Jesus, missing his call to discipleship.
How important that we don’t allow wealth and material goods
to take God’s place in our hearts. Knowing human weakness, Jesus warns us it is
nearly impossible for the rich to enter God’s kingdom, but thankfully He also
reminds us that “All things are possible for God.”
Some people seem to be showered with wealth, while others
suffer poverty. We may be tempted to envy the rich or to worry about this
seeming injustice. But knowing that earthly wealth can become a temptation that
leads us away from God, we must be willing to accept our state of life, rich or
poor, consecrating all that we have to God’s purpose. Give Him your heart, your
mind, and your soul. Renounce everything you possess, asking only for the gift
of wisdom. Follow Jesus, and He will lead you straight to the everlasting
treasure that awaits you in His kingdom.
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