Invited to the Banquet

“Create in me a clean heart, O Lord.” -Psalm 51:12 

The word “create” in Psalm 51 is the same word found in the creation story in Genesis. In Christ, we have the chance to be recreated, made new, washed clean of sin, just as we were originally created by God before the fall. We are reborn! The free and gracious gift of forgiveness and redemption has been won for us by Christ’s victory over sin and death.

But there’s more to it; there is the part we sometimes forget to talk about – what we must do to be ready for this awesome and undeserved gift. That is repentance.

David repented of his sin against Bathsheba and her husband Uriah before composing the beautiful psalm that is sung today, the Miserere. Paul repented of his past role in the persecution of Christians after his experience on the road to Damascus. He never takes credit for his own salvation, always remembering the merciful love of God that transformed him into a disciple of Christ. With mercy and gentleness, Jesus seeks out the lost and calls the sinner to repentance, conversion, and discipleship.

The longer version of today’s reading includes the beautiful story of the Prodigal Son: a story of hope, unconditional love, and restoration. But it is important to realize that the Father did not go out to find his son in the pigpen, although he may have wanted to. It was only when the son changed his heart, repented, and resolved to return and beg forgiveness that the Father ran to meet him, welcoming him home with rejoicing.

Jesus longs for our return, but He will not force us to accept His mercy and love. He calls our names and invites us to the feast. Listen for His invitation and turn back to the Lord; you, too, are invited to the banquet. Turn, and enter into the joy. 
