Called to be Light in a Dark World

“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified…so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God.” 
1 Cor 2:2,5

Jesus is the Light of the world, and in today’s readings He tells His disciples that the light of God is meant to be seen, raised up like a gleaming city on a mountaintop, so that it will shine out for all to see. God’s word brings flavor to life, as salt does to food. It is not meant to be hidden. The Light of the World, Jesus Christ crucified, must be proclaimed clearly and boldly, both in word and deed.

But in today’s world of political correctness, speaking out about our Catholic faith could get us labeled as religious fanatics or worse. In popular culture, Christians are often portrayed as intolerant bigots, looked down upon by the enlightened masses. In colleges and schools across the country classes in Buddhism, “mindfulness,” yoga, and other New Age and Eastern religious practices are offered to students. Nature religions and paganism are resurging in popularity. Recently, “A Children’s Book of Demons,” a horrifying volume which actually introduces children to satanic practices, has been featured on the shelves of well-known bookstores. Yet there is too little outcry against these dangerous spiritual practices. All too often, Christians are intimidated into silence.

It takes courage to do what Jesus asks: to lift up the true Light of Christ for all to see and boldly bring the flavor of the Gospel to the public square. We might be ostracized, insulted, even persecuted. Paul and the Apostles certainly faced persecution. But they spoke out just the same, relying not on human wisdom, but only on the power of God’s word and the mystery of the Cross.

We too must speak the truth boldly before the whole world. We should teach our children Christian prayer and practices, which bring infinitely more peace, joy, and strength than the false prayer practices currently being mainstreamed in society. We are called to bring the Light of Christ into the darkness of the world. We are entrusted with the message and empowered by the Cross to combat worldly wisdom with the true wisdom of God. Be not afraid!
