Pray Always - Mercy Meditation for July 24th, 2016


The Prayers of Ten Good Men Can Save a City

In the first reading for July 24th, we get to listen in on an extraordinary discussion between Abraham and the Lord about the situation in Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham, in his humble and somewhat crafty way, says, “See how I am presuming to speak to the Lord, though I am but dust and ashes!” Then he proceeds with his bargaining on behalf of the citizens of these cities, ultimately persuading the Lord to spare the cities if just ten innocent men are found there. Intercessory prayer in action!

In the Gospel, Jesus, teaching the Apostles how to pray, gives us the perfect prayer: the Lord’s Prayer. It begins with praise for our heavenly Father and concludes with petitions for ourselves and for the world – for the bread of life, for forgiveness, for strength against temptation. Jesus continues teaching about prayer in the next passage, encouraging us to persistently ask the Father for all that we need, and He, who gives His children all good things, will hear and answer our prayers. We should trust completely in the merciful God who will not deny the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who seek Him.

Jesus’s teaching – and Abraham’s conversation with God – both assure us that our prayers are heard in heaven. We even learn that the prayers of just ten good people can save a city. Sadly, those ten were not found in Sodom and Gomorrah.

In our own times, when sin abounds even more than it did then, it’s more important than ever to pray and intercede for each other, for our cities, and for the world. Be one of the ten. Pray always, and trust in the mercy of God. 


  1. ...
    • Super thinking!
    • Super expression!
    • Fine insight and a great outlook.
    • I enjoy reading your thoughts--
    • You have multiple gifts.
    • Thank you for sharing. :)


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