The Lord of the Harvest - Mercy Meditation, July 3, 2016

"It is really God himself, the "Lord of the harvest", who chooses his labourers; his call is always undeserved and unexpected. And yet, in the mystery of God's covenant with us, we are called to cooperate with his providence, and to use the powerful tool which he has placed in our hands: prayer! This is what Jesus himself asked us to do: "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest!" (Mt 9:38)....
Prayer moves the heart of God."

John Paul II

Today’s Gospel tells of Jesus sending out His disciples with the simple mandate to proclaim the coming of God’s kingdom. They are to take nothing for the journey, but depend on the generosity of those they meet. These men are to be received and cared for as if God Himself had entered each village. Those who welcome the disciples receive the peace of God; those who reject them will suffer severe consequences.

These disciples might be said to have experienced the call of God to the priesthood, and their primary duty, then as now, is to proclaim the Good News of the coming of the kingdom of God. God, in His great mercy, desires that not one soul be lost. To achieve this mission, God has empowered His disciples to cast out evil in His Name, even giving them the authority to pass judgment on those who, in rejecting them, have rejected God. This amazing empowerment continues in the Church and the priesthood to this day, and yet Jesus reminds us, rejoice not in the authority and power given to the Church, but in the fact that the names of those who remain faithful to her are written in heaven.

In contrast to the Gospel’s strong depiction of the disciples’ mission, the first reading from Isaiah uses tender imagery to depict the Church, the New Jerusalem, comforting God’s people as a mother comforts her child. But the message is the same; both readings describe the Church’s loving mission of bringing the Good News of God’s kingdom to the whole world. This mission and mandate to seek out the lost, visiting every village and home, will continue until the end of time. The Church continues to offer peace and mercy to all whose hearts are open to hear the Good News, welcoming His chosen disciples as if they were welcoming Christ Himself.


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