Treasures in Heaven
Today’s readings all remind us of the transience of life
on earth, and the importance of seeking what is beyond: the treasures of
heaven. Through God’s mercy and love, the joys of heaven can be experienced while
we are still here on earth if, in faith, we focus on “what is above.” St. John
Paul II expressed his thoughts on this message in his general audience of July
21, 1999, saying:
“The depiction of
heaven as the transcendent dwelling-place of the living God is joined with that
of the place to which believers, through grace, can also ascend… Thus heaven
becomes an image of life in God. In this sense Jesus speaks of a “reward in
heaven” and urges people to “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (M 5:12,
6:20; cf. 19:21).
…Since believers
are loved in a special way by the Father, they are raised with Christ and made
citizens of heaven… The fatherhood of God, who is rich in mercy, is experienced
by creatures through the love of God's crucified and risen Son, who sits in
heaven on the right hand of the Father as Lord.
The Catechism of
the Catholic Church sums up the Church's teaching on this truth: ‘By his death
and Resurrection, Jesus Christ has ‘opened’ heaven to us...’ This… can be
anticipated in some way today in sacramental life, whose centre is the
Eucharist... as we pass through this world we are called to seek “the things
that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God” (Col 3:1)…”
Keep your eyes on Christ, hidden in the Eucharist,
listening always for His voice in your heart, seeking to do His will, and the
treasures of eternity will be yours.
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