The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. To those who accepted him, He gave power to become children of God. Alleluia! Jn. 1:14A, 12A
In today’s readings, Jesus is proclaimed as Lamb of God, and Son of God. John the Baptist knew that this was the promised Messiah, who had come to take away the sins of the world. Through Jesus, we are all invited to become children of God in baptism, adopted by a loving Father. This is the baptism with the Holy Spirit that John speaks about.
What a miraculous gift and treasure! Sometimes we may forget just how miraculous it is; that we in our sinful and imperfect state can be made pure and become children of God. By our baptism, we are ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven! This gift can also be given to our families and children, because the Lord has made us His own family. God calls us to relationship because of His great love for us.
This is not an impersonal God, distant and unreachable. He is a loving Father to us, involved in our lives in every way, if we accept Him. He will not force us to do so, but calls us each by name and invites us to come to know and love and serve Him in this life, so that we may be happy with Him in eternity. So many people reject this amazing gift. Let us, as Catholics, console the Lord by responding fully to His invitation every day of our lives.
Every member of God’s family is important and vital to the mission of the Church. Every child, every mother, father, man, or woman is created for a purpose and called to walk with God. The Church and the world is not the same without you. Just as John the Baptist was sent for a purpose, to prepare the way for the Lord and proclaim His glory, so you were sent to accomplish a mission that only you can complete. If you make a habit of spending time in prayer and studying the scriptures, Jesus will reveal His will in your life. Follow Him, and He will lead you on the Way of Perfection, drawing you day by day nearer to His Sacred Heart.
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